Friday, July 20, 2018

NPC Turned Best Boi- Comic Included!

Story Time!

So as previously mentioned I was the DM for my group when we started playing. None of the players were comfortable yet with the system and so I had still never actually played the game as a Player Character myself. Now being the semi-intelligent person I am sometimes, I decided to help my players along with the story, and battles because they were only 3 players in a mildly difficult recommended 4-5 player story, by creating an NPC for them to take along as a guide, extra pair of hands, and... well to be frank a man. I have nothing against all female parties. They are interesting as all get-out. But considering these characters, who could barely agree on plans or simple courses of action without a long drawn-out meeting, they needed a decisive presence. And being the meddling witch I am, I decided that the character should be male. Hey if they wanted to start a side-plot romantic pursuit, why the hell not?! Feelings like hate, love, suspicion... they create depth and with depth comes interest. Besides, he was going to be the deepest man I could think to create. And I went through the fan-fiction crazes of the early 2000s-- I at least knew what to stay away from when making him.


After researching online and from the comments from players and DMs alike, I found out my boi was going to be more of a DMPC. Even though I want to pride myself with being able to compartmentalize while playing, meta-gaming can be a powerfully sneaky hate spiral. And because I am an empathetic witch, I couldn't help but think playing him myself would lead to conflicts of interest with my players, not to mention ruin any kind of chance that they may be able to work out problems themselves. They didn't NEED me to give them help in this way. They didn't NEED him.

I ended up giving the bard (who is a forest and animal lover) a whistle that acts like a find familiar spell. It definitely helped even out the tide of battle as far as they didn't get stomped as much as they used to.

So best boi went into the vault. It wasn't until a group member decided she wanted to try her hand at DMing that he even came out. He even got his own character sheet, and I got to play as a player! He did get two followers that he hired (one as a fighter companion, and one as a healer) because he was a low-HP little new baby.

Male Drow Wild Magic Sorcerer MiniatureI didn't even give him items... I just rolled his stats and went to work!

So there it is. My first ever PC, and he was just slapdash thrown together so I could try out the Wild Magic Sorcerer. (I had been interested in rogues and rangers since I got into playing, but after watching Charisma Plus... I watched Reynoir, their draconic-lineage sorcerer, and had wanted to play a spellcaster ever since. The wild magic seemed a better fit for me, so that's what I chose.)

So here is Tal. He is a Drow Wild Magic Sorcerer who is a sweet boi and I love him. I knew I wanted to make him a tortured soul, so he has literal scars that show his pained past. I mean... he was mauled as a child in the Underdark and blinded in his left eye. And when he discovered his magic, the uncontrolled power basically scarred/discolored his left arm, but restored his sight. (I have been working on his journal for his journey from the Underdark to the surface, while discovering his magic. It's a lot, it's heavy, and I may have cried while writing some of it.) He was quite embarrassed by his arm for the longest time, but lately as I have played him more, he doesn't mind as much that people can see it. Far more crazy things go on to be worried about it anymore, I guess. A man of few words, and of contemplative action. And a temper. He has engaged in friendly fire in the past.

What makes me love him all the more is that after his first campaign, while the healer hireling was almost worthless, the fighter companion was born into a comrade and eventually made into a PC as well. The two are best buddies, and on the fighters design (yes I made him a mini too-- my two best bois!) he has a tree incorporated on his breastplate because he is very tall, and Tal (who is short at around 5'4"-5'5") loves to climb onto his shoulders for a better vantage. I can make a post about him later because he is another best boi, but this post is about Tal! To the comic!

I Promised a Comic!

So anyone who has looked in the Player Handbook has probably seen the Wild Magic Surge table. So whenever a Wild Magic sorcerer uses a spell slot, the DM can have them roll to see if they surge (a 1 on a d20 means you roll on the table with your d100). The Wild Magic sorcerer has an ability called Tides of Chaos that they can use once per long rest to roll with advantage on certain rolls (basically for me, try to fix up a botched roll). Any time after they use this ability, the DM can have them roll directly on the Surge table after they cast a level 1 or higher spell (which recharges the ability, no need to rest!). Now we have a table rule in my group that it is expected to roll for a chance to surge after every leveled spell and if Tides of Chaos has been used, you automatically roll on the Surge table. It makes the game more interesting. We also use an updated d100 list for the Surge table, based on the DM's mood found on this reddit post: True d100 Wild Magic Surge Table.

Unfortunately, while Tal is not always casting from his spell slots, when he does he usually surges. Because my dice hate me, and I use Tides of Chaos a lot. And he always rolls some hilarious results.
Wild Magic Comic
Poor Tal has gotten turned into a potted plant at least 4 times.
So between potted plants, summoning unicorns, levitating 10 feet in the air, casting grease centered on himself, regaining spent spell slots, and one really wild level 5 magic missle... He has survived his surges so far. But I can see how he would be very careful with his magic. That's crazy! But even if he turned into a plant, I am sure his fighter friend would make sure to protect him.

Let me know if you want more posts about Tal and his story. He is a precious cinnamon bun.

Special Extra! Right now, Tal and his Fighter Friend are in the footer banner below!

Cheers all! Be kind and lovely to one another~

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